Contact points

Telephone & Email contacts:

The showroom number is (0131)657 1190, but you can also contact the proprietor, Gordon Archibald on 07768 554424

Alternatively, you can email us by clicking here using your favourite email package.

For more specific enquiries that might involve research, please fill in our form which will give us all the information we need to make a quick and effective response to your needs. Just fill in the fields, click submit, and leave the rest to us!

How to find us:  Our business address is:   70 Moira Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 6RY(See Map)

By bus:   We are served by services 15, 26 and 129. Get off at the stop beyond the old Ramset Technical College.

From Musselburgh: Come through Portobello heading for Edinburgh. If you continue for about half a mile past the lights at Sir Harry Lauder road, you will come to our Moira Terrace location.

From Leith: Come along Seafield Road, go right at the lights (towards Edinburgh) and we are about half a mile along on the left..

From Edinburgh: Straight on at Jock's Lodge towards Portobello. Look for us about three quarters of a mile on, on the right.

From the south: From the bypass bear left towards Joppa. Straight on at the lights to Sir Harry Lauder Road. At the end go sharp left and we are about half a mile along, on the left.

We look forward to seeing you.